Customer served dishwasher detergent after ordering glass of wine

 ROME -- A 51 year old woman is seriously ill after being served dishwasher detergent instead of a glass of wine in Milan. The incident took place on via private Carlone in Lorenteggio, with the victim transported to the San Carlo di Milano Hospital for treatment. Police say it is uncertain whether the detergent was alone or mixed with the drink. 

  The owner of the bar, a 54 year old woman, allegedly reused wine bottles, filling them with detergent without changing the labels. She is now under investigation for grievous bodily harm and the bar has been seized by authorities. 

    On the day of the incident the victim and her partner, who were regular customers, ordered a third glass of wine, the same as the two previously drunk. After falling ill, 118 responders and police arrived at the scene before transporting the victim to the hospital. Further treatment highlighted injuries to the woman’s oesophagus, uvula, oral cavities, tongue, and face. The presence of detergent was found after the victim's partner took the offending bottle for testing. 
