New probe into 1993 slaying of Sicilian reporter Beppe Alfano
Insider reporters
28 December 2020

MESSINA, SIcily -- A judge has ordered a new investigation into the Cosa Nostra slaying 28 years ago of journalist Beppe Alfano, a reporter for La Sicilia newspaper, judicial officials said. The fresh probe ordered by Messina Judge Valeria Curatolo, will focus on the ownership of a .22 calibre North American Arms used to kill the scribe, aged 42, at Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto Jan.8, 1993, judicial sources say.
The journalist's daughter Sonia, a former MEP, has campaigned tirelessly for the Mafia mobsters responsible for her father's murder to be brought to justice. Two alleged crime figures, Stefano Genovese and Basilio Condipodero have long been suspected of carrying out the murder.
The murder weapon, determined from the three bullets that hit Alfano, one fored into his mouth, never was found. A handgun of that make was traced to underworld figure Mario Imbesi who in 1978 passed the weapon to Frano Mariani, who was in touch with Rosario 'Saro' Cattafi, Judge Curatolo wrote in her order for the prolonged inquiry.
Mariani told investigators he met Cattafi in Milan in 1976 and visited him at Barccelona for a christening while on vacation in Taormina. In the 1980s Mariani and Cattafi were involved in a trial for Mafia membership, kidnapping and murder, the judge added.
Mobsters turned informer identified Cattafi as head of the Cosa Nostra in Barccelona. He was arrested and convicted but cleared by the Cassation Court though the supreme court judges also ordered a new probe into Cattafi's alleged links with organised crime in Calabria.
Sonia Alfano said "I am certain that Cattafi had an important role the night my father was killed. As long as I breathe I will not leave his assassins in peace. I have faith the truth will surface ..."
Alfano apparently was targetted for reporting that the Catania underworld kingpin Nitto Santapaola was hiding in the Barcellona area while on the run.
Alfano was ambushed while driving his Renault 9 car, leaving a wife and three children, of whom Sonia is the eldest.
Pippo Gullotti, a mobster in the Messina area, is serving a 30 year prison term for ordering the murder of Alfano but other possible masterminds of the slaying higher up in the organised crime gang have still to be identified, 28 years on.