Miss Italy 2015 gaffe raises eyebrows

ROME — In response to being asked in which era she would like to live the most, the winner of Miss Italy 2015, Alice Sabatini, responded “Ehh…in 1942”.
When pressed for clarification, she said that she wanted “to see life during the Second World War for myself. And I know that women didn’t form part of the military, so I would just stay at home.”
Il Fatto Quotidiano posed the following questions, in response to her statements: “Why did Alice come up with the idea of a woman who stays at home? Why did she not think about the gunfire and the 623 women, who were killed during the Resistance? Did she not know about Irma Bandiera, who was tortured and shot on August 14 1944?” Maybe, it is because Alice Sabatini is a child of the school system, which in the last few years has been more concerned about skimming over studies, than really examining specific events in history.
When asked on the programme “Striscia la notizia” (Strip the news) last night who her favourite character from Italian history was, her response was “Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player in history.”